GeoData Science specialization track courses are delivered by faculty from the OBELIX team of IRISA (Institute for Research in Computer Science and Random Systems). UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH BRITTANY (UBS) is represented by the Département Informatique which provides Computer Science combined with advanced image analysis (OBIA) and machine learning with a focus on data analytics for Earth Observation.
IRISA is a research institute jointly supported by universities (UBS, University of Rennes) and graduate schools in Brittany, as well as by national research organizations (CNRS, INRIA). IRISA is one of the largest computer science research institutes in France (800+ members). Its outstanding scientific quality led IRISA to be given highest ranks by the national research evaluation agency, deeply involved in the Image & Networks innovation cluster, and labelled as a national excellence laboratory (COMIN Labs – Digital Communications and Informatics for the Future Internet). It belongs to EIT ICT Lab Knowledge & Innovation Community. OBELIX team is a group from IRISA that conducts its research activities on image analysis and machine learning for environment observation using remote sensing data. Among its fields of expertise for teaching and research are: machine learning, deep learning, transfer learning, data mining, big data, image analysis, image understanding, high performance computing, etc.