CDE space related start-ups and progress in EO*GI science

We support our students in their early career steps and are grateful for funding opportunities such as ESA Business Incubation Centres (ESA BICs). The Copernicus Master in Digital Earth programme board and faculty is impressed by student’s achievements in exceptional scientific development contributions in the domains Earth Observation, Geoinformatics and Digital Earth.

Copernicus Master in Digital Earth start-up founders

Max Aragon

Wematics is the first ESA BIC startup in Salzburg, Austria founded by CDE student Max Aragon. Wematics fills the gap in current operational weather monitoring systems by providing a novel API for hyperlocal weather data weather data from thousands of webcams that stream live weather worldwide using advanced computer vision techniques to stream live weather worldwide. (Science Park Graz)

Exceptional scientific development contributions in the domains Earth Observation, Geoinformatics and Digital Earth

Cesar Luis Aybar Camacho

CloudSEN12 is a benchmark dataset for cloud semantic understanding has been developed by Cesar Cesar Luis Aybar Camacho, a CDE alumnus. “It is the largest public database in this respect, a very valuable source for scientist working in the field to improve the current cloud detection algorithms, especially also for regions beyond Europe/US“, Dirk Tiede, Department of Geoinformatics Z_GIS, Paris-Lodron University Salzburg.

latest update: December 7, 2022